A JCDFF grant is by invitation only and we do not accept LOIs or unsolicited applications.
Grantee Tax Status
An applicant has to have been in existence as 501(c)3 organization for at least 5 years.
Location of Grantee
The administrative office and primary activity area of the grantee must be in Hunter, NY or the 5 boroughs of New York City or the state of Utah.
Project Focus
Projects focused on the provision of mental health services
Cultural projects focused on performance, literary or visual arts
Educational activities related to the above
Other Funding Guidelines
JCDFF funds organizations that maintain a standard of excellence in every endeavor.
Priority will be given to music project grants that do not use recorded or virtual music.
Our preference is not to be the sole source of funding for a given project.
Related project costs may include the physical enhancement of an already existing site and the purchase of project related materials or equipment.
We do not fund individuals; capital projects; day-to-day operation expenses; research projects; political action groups or government lobbying.